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dan spencer's List: Diigo Assignment

  • Oct 13, 10

    gives a view of internet culture, how people communicate through the internet creating an online culture filled with different types of standpoint much like in actural society, there are moralists, activists e.t.c. the difference is that this community is made up of people from around the world. makes us more alike? ,or are we still different, cultural trends of internet use for example, 'the great firewall of China''. access to the internet is also an issue, many people cant afford to be part of this 'global' culture.

  • Oct 13, 10

    the section: Globalisation as a problem, raises the issue that globalisation has been challenged and this had lead to the growth of cultural independence movements and anti-multinational capatlist organisations movements. also helps provide an overview of other factors as well as including the perspectives of a number of theorists/sociologists, shows the dilema in classification, methodilogical issues.

  • Oct 13, 10

    chapter 4: introduction. this chapter in it's introduction says that the writer will explore the cultural effects of globalisation. example such as outsourcing of jobs, multiculturalism and sweatshops are used. the rest of the chapter beyong the introduction is not avaliable on the site but the introduction is enougth to make me want to find the rest as it seems a clear and useful source to use.

  • Oct 13, 10

    highlights globalisation as a product of capitalism, the driving force is the economy. points out that wage and labour inequality has been extendend with globalisation, this can be seen with muliti national corperations expanding into developing nations.
    links in to the view that globalisation may make us more alike in the way we talk e.t.c. but it makes us more unalike in economic terms.

  • Oct 13, 10

    chapter 5 on page 106 examines chinease 'sweatshops' . China is fast becoming ifnot already the wealthiest, most developed nation on the planet. Globalisation has lead to multinational corporations opening factories in China, the working condidions acceptable in such factories in China are quite different to those acceptedin the same factories in the USA. The book also examines how in recent years China's economy has became increasingly capatalist making its economy in ways of simmilars structure to the west, though the working conditions in factories remain a controversial issure throughout global politics again linking this to the question whether globalisation is making us more alike or more divided in terms of wealth and working conditions.

  • Oct 13, 10

    a book written from a feminist perspective on the economic position of women around the world. examines the gender gap in types of labour and wages. chapter 4 : women and the new international view of labour seems useful in finding out about the devisions in labour by men and women in the third world, these divisions could be compared with the gender divisions in relation to labour in first world countries, some types of work avaliable to a middle classwomen in a country such as the UK may be very different to those avaliable to a woman living in India. this difference can be seen as contributing to how alike/unalike we are economically and culturally.

  • Oct 13, 10

    book on the division of labour around the world, clearly an issue in globalisation with multinational corporations e.t.c.
    importaint as the division of labour is clearly a factor affecting how alike we our, in relation to the question Does globalisation make us more alike? since the type of work we do and how much we earn will have an impact on how we live.

  • Oct 13, 10

    described as a documentary history on the impact of immigration and the experiences of immigrants in the UK since 1945. explores the culturaland racial conflicts that arose due to immigration in the mid 20th centuary in Britain. immigratin at this time could be seen as an aspect of gloobalisation, examining the conflict that different cultures living together has caused due to a number of reasons that are economic and cultural.

  • Oct 13, 10

    abstracts from a book that examines the role of international organisations and the impact they have had or may have on globalisation, potentially useful as a soure for the question whether we are becoming more alike as international organisation encourage cultural and economic integration. Could also be usefull background reading for questions on regionalism, shopping,fairness.

  • Oct 13, 10

    summary/intro to a political scientist's claim that civilisations have come to replace nations and ideologies as the driving force behind global political, links in with the idea of oppositional cultures and thier relationships with each other in the context of globalisation.

  • Oct 13, 10

    abstract from a book that talkes about cultural identity in the globalising world,examining such phenomenons as terrorism which could be attributed to cultural conflict arising from globalisation.The introduction part of the book looks at different thoerists and deffinitions as well as different ways of viewing globalisation. discussion of theams such as religion, economy, terrorism e.t.c in the context of globalisation. links in to the question whether we are becoming more alike or more fractured due to the stresses of cultural conflicts.

  • Oct 13, 10

    an overview/introduction to a book that examines the relationship between television and cultural identity in the context of globalisation. for example, globalisation could have an impact on television which could have an impact on culture due to its social construction, 'we socially construct our culture'

  • Oct 13, 10

    abstracts from a book that explores issues caused by globalisation, one key issue is the question whether there is a global, shared culture. the books introduction explains that it is about the contest between two theorys that try to explain global identity, cultural universalism and cultural particularism. These two approaches could be explored more widely in our research,this book is the first that has introduced me to these concepts which may prove to be very usefull in the future,

  • Oct 13, 10

    abstract from an artilcle by Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson which examines the changing position of the nation state in an increacingly globalising economic and social system. It considers factors such as the idea that international agreements between states have helped establish state power over society and that the nation state will continue to remain importain in a globalised economy but in a less independent form, rather as advocates of international organisations such as the European Union. This could be usefull in examining how globalisation could make international relations reguarding trade uniform. on the page thereis an option to download the full text article.

  • Oct 06, 10

    an intro to globalisation, talks about how anti-globalisation protests on the news e.t.c seem to be how most people find out about it, could surgest that the general public are not as awhere of globalisation then perhapse they should be?, could be an interesting idea to put in the essay?

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