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Robert Parker
To the lady asking the question: apologies for not hearing what you were asking. And for not leaving space for your question to resonate with others.
Robert Parker
Winners of the H5P Moodle Moot competition were drawn last week. The winner of the Amazon Gift Card was Nico H. from PH Karlsruhe 
Robert Parker

Shibboleth Authentication Request

My final act as Ethos editor was to write an editorial about the importance of psychological anthropology and the challenges of keeping academic publishing sustainable, especially human sustainability. #Anthropology #publishing @ethosSPAjournal

Shared by Robert Parker, 1 save total

Robert Parker
Is it correct that The Voice: 1) cannot make laws; 2) cannot control funding; 3) cannot sit in the Houses of the Australian Parliament; 4) is proposed to be a committee that gives advice?
Robert Parker

Exclusive: UNSW referred to ICAC via

Exclusive: UNSW referred to ICAC via @SatPaper

Shared by Robert Parker, 1 save total

Robert Parker

"“scienceploitation” = brands borrow lan...

"“scienceploitation” = brands borrow language from emerging areas of science to market unproven products.
Manufacturers use words without clear and specific definitions, like “aids,” “promotes,” “supports,” “stimulates,” “boosts” and “optimizes” ...."

Shared by Robert Parker, 1 save total

Robert Parker

OpenAI says it will follow public opinion on whether GPT4 sh...

OpenAI says it will follow public opinion on whether GPT4 should include face, emotion and gender recognition. Which public? In which nations? Whose opinions will count?

Shared by Robert Parker, 1 save total

Robert Parker
The Central Coast commute!
Robert Parker
Meta is not getting enough recognition for its contributions to open source AI
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