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Bertrand Duperrin

A New Model for Continuous Transformation

"Typical transformation efforts are organized as programs with a defined beginning and end, often overseen by a program management office. Rooted in a change model popularized by German American psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1950s, this approach involves three stages: “unfreeze, change, and refreeze.” While effective for discrete projects like implementing a new payroll system, this model falls short in today’s dynamic business environment. The continuous evolution of the external landscape demands ongoing business transformation, with no room for pausing, refreezing, and stepping away."

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  • . Adopt an Agile Mindset


    Unlike the conventional “unfreeze, change, refreeze” approach, which implies change represents only a temporary disruption, an agile orientation embraces the philosophy of “rethink, reshape, repeat” — an ongoing quest for excellence. Under this paradigm, transformation becomes a perpetual journey involving assessing the company’s strategy, prioritizing critical issues, carefully considering potential alternatives for addressing each issue, choosing the best course of action, adapting the organization accordingly, and then moving to the next critical issue

  • 2. Use aspirations to continuously challenge and stretch the organization.


    Relying solely on top-down targets, even those based on external benchmarks and industry best practices, often falls short of fostering sustained performance improvement. While these targets may initially inspire efficiency enhancements, they often lead to complacency once achieved, perpetuating the rigid “unfreeze, change, refreeze” model of transformation.

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Bertrand Duperrin

How to transition nontechnical teams to use GenAI - Fast Company

"The GenAI transformation isn’t purely a technology challenge, it’s a human one. By communicating clearly and transparently about GenAI’s potential effects on your company, you can establish or renew your team’s trust, solidify confidence in your leadership, and create buy-in for your organization’s GenAI initiatives. Similarly, by not focusing on GenAI’s change-management aspects, you risk team disengagement and a lack of meaningful adoption of potentially game-changing technology. "

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  • If their concerns are valid, acknowledge them, address them, and be prepared to work through them. 
  • baby boomers and Gen Xers feel overwhelmed by new technology, while other research suggests that Gen Z and millennials are more likely to embrace it. 

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Bertrand Duperrin

Mythes et réalités des IA génératives –

"les IA ou le machine learning ne sont pas des techniques ou des outils. L’intelligence artificielle est un concept correspondant à des usages. L’apprentissage automatique (machine learning) est un domaine de recherche qui inclut plusieurs familles d’algorithmes. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve différentes classes de réseaux de neurones artificielles permettant de faire de l’apprentissage profond (deep learning). "

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 6 saves total

  • L’intelligence artificielle est un concept technologique visant à utiliser les machines pour simuler l’intelligence humaine, notamment pour des tâches cognitives comme l’analyse ou la déduction

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Bertrand Duperrin

L’IA n’est qu’un moyen d’achever votre transformation numérique –

"Toutes ces projections mirifiques sur l’adoption et les bénéfices de l’IA ne tiennent pas compte du facteur humain, et plus particulièrement des collaborateurs qui ne sont pas parfaits, mais qui ont le mérite d’être parfaitement polyvalents et de pouvoir apprendre et évoluer. À condition de les libérer du carcan culturel et méthodologique des outils informatiques du XXe siècle."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 3 saves total

  • Après avoir connu une très nette accélération durant la COVID, la transformation numérique des entreprises et organisation est à l’arrêt (contexte socio-économique défavorable)
  • L’adaptation des entreprises et organisations aux nouvelles conditions de marché est freinée par des méthodes, habitudes et outils informatiques hérités du XXe siècle

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Bertrand Duperrin

Gen AI to drive a 50% productivity bump, but only if adopted strategically | UNLEASH

"The newest iteration of automation, Gen AI, could increase workplace productivity by a whopping 51% over the next seven years."

Shared by Bertrand Duperrin, Bertrand Duperrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • The biggest productivity jumps in the next two years came from developing educational programs and policies (three million hours saved in the US, and 665,000 in the UK).


    There are also efficiency benefits from using Gen AI to develop policies and procedures (1.7 million hours saved in the US) and explaining those policies and produces (380,000 hours saved in the UK).

  • “key barriers to readiness that we typically see include outdated technology infrastructure, lack of an overall HR technology strategy, disparate data definitions across disparate systems, lack of data availability, and limited capacity and skills to implement the technology”
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