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Mario A Núñez

Eddie Vedder sings Bob Dylan (6 Songs) - NSF

Eddie Vedder sings Bob Dylan (6 Songs) - NSF

Shared by Mario A Núñez, Mario A Núñez added annotation, 5 likes and 46150 saves total

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Diego Rodriguez on Oct 04, 11

these are my students from Nueva estancia de Suba


Tasha Lyle on Jan 23, 14

Well known activist for equal rights.


paatric on Nov 03, 14


Mario A Núñez
  • This turn was poignantly recounted in Danziger’s (1979) description of the systematic erasure of Wundt’s cultural psychology tradition (based within introspective approaches to research) in favor of his psychophysiology laboratory (based within experimental approaches).
Mario A Núñez
  • I’ll be honest, I don’t consider myself the chosen one. That is achieved simply through hard work, there are no secrets. In this world there are no secrets, but everything is achieved day by day through perseverance and effort. Details make the difference. Many great athletes or legends in all fields say it: the details are what make the difference, and in the end pursuing your dream, being clear that you are going to make it come true it and trusting that you are going to make it come true it is what makes the difference and what allows you to reach the goals you set for yourself. I am not a chosen one, but I have simply pursued my dream and believed in myself at all times. Obviously, behind all of this there is a lot, a lot of work.

Mario A Núñez
  • Fechas de las pruebas:
    1. Psicoanálisis: 5 de junio
    2. Segunda prueba: 8 de junio
    3. Tercera: 12 de junio
    4. Cuarta: 15 de junio
    5. Quinta y sexta: 20 de junio
    6. Séptima y octava: 22 de junio
    7. Final: 26 de junio
Mario A Núñez

How exercise leads to sharper thinking and a healthier brain - The Washington Post

"To build a better brain, just exercise.

That’s the message of two important new studies of how physical activity changes our minds. In one, scientists delved into the lives, DNA and cognition of thousands of people to show that regular exercise leads to much sharper thinking.

Another study helps explain why exercise is good for the brain. Researchers found that just six minutes of strenuous exertion quintupled production of a neurochemical known to be essential for lifelong brain health."

Shared by Mario A Núñez, 1 save total

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