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mikeem em
  • For us, it's very important to contain as much of the visual structure of the page as possible. This includes positions of the text on the 2D plane. Using just the HTML and skipping the actual rendering of the page, you lose a lot of this information. We need this because a) we want our agents to reason about and take actions on the page just as we would, and b) because visibility of elements on screen is required for automation frameworks to actually take actions (you cannot "click" on elements that don't actually appear on the page)
mikeem em
    • Preprocessing

      • HTML cleaning - Remove unnecessary HTML to reduce the size and cost of API requests.
      • CSS and XPath selectors - Pre-filter HTML by writing a single CSS or XPath selector.
      • Auto-splitting - Optionally split the HTML into multiple calls to the model, allowing for larger pages to be scraped.
    • Postprocessing

      • JSON validation - Ensure that the response is valid JSON. (With the option to kick it back to GPT for fixes if it's not.)
      • Schema validation - Go a step further, use a pydantic schema to validate the response.
      • Hallucination check - Does the data in the response truly exist on the page?
mikeem em
  • You’ll need to speak decent Thai to get along. Housing is available closer to the cities but as you go deeper the housing standards vary wildly from a properly built house to a shack put together with bamboo and random car parts. I’ve found the villages are great for community but sometimes that community comes with lots of gossip. If you can deal with that you’ll be fine.
    • <form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_lcu5w89l40">

      Yeah. If you enjoy television shows like Doc Martin, Northern Exposure, Ballykissangel, Death in Paradise, Hometown Cha-Cha, etc, and want to play the part of the main character, move to a rural village. It will take 3-6 months to become accepted if you already speak broken Thai. Find the local school teacher and hire as a language tutor. The more you integrate into the community, and the less you exhibit stupid/offensive behavior, the sooner you will be welcomed. Say sawatdee kra/jao/krap/kap to everyone you cross paths with. If there is a funeral, go.


      [–]amwajguy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

      <form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_lcu7mema6b">

      Great advice!

mikeem em
  • I wish I could have seen Sweden before it was enriched with such "cultural diversity". 

     It was the safest country in Europe and one of the safest in the world. It's an actual bona fide example of the degradation that hits a western country with mass immigration of peoples from a completely different background.
  • Swedes could have stopped it at any time through the election of leaders not inclined to support mass immigration. They fact that they did not means that the bulk of Swedish society has no one to blame but themselves. Voting has consequences even if you're too short-sighted to see them.
mikeem em
  • But these days it also has another distinction: by far the highest per capita rate of gun violence in the EU. Last year 55 people were shot dead in 363 separate shootings in a country of just 10 million people. By comparison, there were just six fatal shootings in the three other Nordic countries - Norway, Finland and Denmark - combined.
  • "I was a troubled teen when I entered and came out a career criminal. I went from fighting and stealing from other kids to selling drugs by the kilo," said Yayha, who asked that his surname not be used to prevent his former gang from finding him.

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mikeem em
  • <div class="entry unvoted">&lt;form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_ggkzuzngvs"><div class="usertext-body may-blank-within md-container "><div class="md"><p>In the North it’s Haitch for Catholics, Aitch for Protestants.</p><br/><br/><p>Edit: No need for the downvote, it’s fact!</p><br/></div><br/></div>&lt;/form><ul class="flat-list buttons"><li class="first"><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="permalink">permalink</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="embed-comment" data-title="So, how are you all pronouncing the letter H ?" data-media="" data-comment="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/ggkzuzn/" data-root="true" data-link="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/">embed</a></li><li class="comment-save-button save-button login-required"><a>save</a></li><li class="report-button login-required"><a rel="nofollow" class="reportbtn access-required" data-event-action="report">report</a></li></ul><div class="reportform report-t1_ggkzuzn"></div></div><div class="child"><div class="sitetable listing" id="siteTable_t1_ggkzuzn"><div class=" thing id-t1_gglcyp6 noncollapsed comment " data-permalink="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/gglcyp6/" data-type="comment" data-subreddit-type="public" data-subreddit-fullname="t5_2qhb9" data-gildings="0" data-subreddit-prefixed="r/ireland" data-fullname="t1_gglcyp6" data-author="ANewStartAtLife" data-replies="0" data-subreddit="ireland" data-author-fullname="t2_732c4n4e" id="thing_t1_gglcyp6"><p class="parent"><a rel="nofollow" name="gglcyp6"></a></p><div class="midcol unvoted"><div class="arrow up login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="upvote" data-event-action="upvote"></div><div class="arrow down login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="downvote" data-event-action="downvote"></div></div><div class="entry unvoted"><p class="tagline"><a rel="nofollow" class="expand">[–]</a><a rel="nofollow" class="author submitter may-blank id-t2_732c4n4e" href="">ANewStartAtLife</a><span class="userattrs">[<a rel="nofollow" href="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/" title="submitter" class="submitter">S</a>]</span> <span title="16" class="score dislikes">16 points</span><span title="17" class="score unvoted">17 points</span><span title="18" class="score likes">18 points</span> <time class="" title="Mon Dec 21 15:30:45 2020 UTC" datetime="2020-12-21T15:30:45+00:00">3 years ago</time>&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" class="numchildren">(0 children)</a></p>&lt;form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_gglcyp6pv0"><input value="t1_gglcyp6" type="hidden" name="thing_id"><div class="usertext-body may-blank-within md-container "><div class="md"><p>Wife is a Scottish prod and says haitch. But then she keeps the toaster on the counter so.. A woman of intigue ;-)</p><br/></div><br/></div>&lt;/form><ul class="flat-list buttons"><li class="first"><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="permalink">permalink</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="embed-comment" data-title="So, how are you all pronouncing the letter H ?" data-media="" data-comment="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/gglcyp6/" data-root="false" data-link="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/">embed</a></li><li class="comment-save-button save-button login-required"><a>save</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="#ggkzuzn" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="parent">parent</a></li><li class="report-button login-required"><a rel="nofollow" class="reportbtn access-required" data-event-action="report">report</a></li></ul><div class="reportform report-t1_gglcyp6"></div></div><div class="child"></div><div class="clearleft"></div></div><div class="clearleft"></div><div class=" thing id-t1_ggl2zov noncollapsed comment " data-permalink="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/ggl2zov/" data-type="comment" data-subreddit-type="public" data-subreddit-fullname="t5_2qhb9" data-gildings="0" data-subreddit-prefixed="r/ireland" data-fullname="t1_ggl2zov" data-author="cogra23" data-replies="0" data-subreddit="ireland" data-author-fullname="t2_dkx1b" id="thing_t1_ggl2zov"><p class="parent"><a rel="nofollow" name="ggl2zov"></a></p><div class="midcol unvoted"><div class="arrow up login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="upvote" data-event-action="upvote"></div><div class="arrow down login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="downvote" data-event-action="downvote"></div></div><div class="entry unvoted"><p class="tagline"><a rel="nofollow" class="expand">[–]</a><a rel="nofollow" class="author may-blank id-t2_dkx1b" href="">cogra23</a><span class="userattrs"></span> <span title="10" class="score dislikes">10 points</span><span title="11" class="score unvoted">11 points</span><span title="12" class="score likes">12 points</span> <time class="" title="Mon Dec 21 13:49:08 2020 UTC" datetime="2020-12-21T13:49:08+00:00">3 years ago</time>&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" class="numchildren">(2 children)</a></p>&lt;form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_ggl2zovwkh"><input value="t1_ggl2zov" type="hidden" name="thing_id"><div class="usertext-body may-blank-within md-container "><div class="md"><p>Everyone who mentions this gets downvoted because people think it's not true.</p><br/><br/><p>Nordy here, it is true and correct 95% of the time.</p><br/></div><br/></div>&lt;/form><ul class="flat-list buttons"><li class="first"><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="permalink">permalink</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="embed-comment" data-title="So, how are you all pronouncing the letter H ?" data-media="" data-comment="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/ggl2zov/" data-root="false" data-link="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/">embed</a></li><li class="comment-save-button save-button login-required"><a>save</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="#ggkzuzn" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="parent">parent</a></li><li class="report-button login-required"><a rel="nofollow" class="reportbtn access-required" data-event-action="report">report</a></li></ul><div class="reportform report-t1_ggl2zov"></div></div><div class="child"><div class="sitetable listing" id="siteTable_t1_ggl2zov"><div class=" thing id-t1_ghisqni noncollapsed comment " data-permalink="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/ghisqni/" data-type="comment" data-subreddit-type="public" data-subreddit-fullname="t5_2qhb9" data-gildings="0" data-subreddit-prefixed="r/ireland" data-fullname="t1_ghisqni" data-author="mattycmckee" data-replies="0" data-subreddit="ireland" data-author-fullname="t2_16dn6l" id="thing_t1_ghisqni"><p class="parent"><a rel="nofollow" name="ghisqni"></a></p><div class="midcol unvoted"><div class="arrow up login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="upvote" data-event-action="upvote"></div><div class="arrow down login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="downvote" data-event-action="downvote"></div></div><div class="entry unvoted"><p class="tagline"><a rel="nofollow" class="expand">[–]</a><a rel="nofollow" class="author may-blank id-t2_16dn6l" href="">mattycmckee</a><span class="userattrs"></span> <span title="0" class="score dislikes">0 points</span><span title="1" class="score unvoted">1 point</span><span title="2" class="score likes">2 points</span> <time class="" title="Wed Dec 30 18:25:39 2020 UTC" datetime="2020-12-30T18:25:39+00:00">3 years ago</time>&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" class="numchildren">(1 child)</a></p>&lt;form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_ghisqniek3"><input value="t1_ghisqni" type="hidden" name="thing_id"><div class="usertext-body may-blank-within md-container "><div class="md"><p>I know a lot of protestants and catholics (integrated education my whole life), and it’s not really true at all, at least not in my experience.</p><br/></div><br/></div>&lt;/form><ul class="flat-list buttons"><li class="first"><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="permalink">permalink</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="embed-comment" data-title="So, how are you all pronouncing the letter H ?" data-media="" data-comment="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/ghisqni/" data-root="false" data-link="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/">embed</a></li><li class="comment-save-button save-button login-required"><a>save</a></li><li><a rel="nofollow" class="bylink" href="#ggl2zov" rel="nofollow" data-event-action="parent">parent</a></li><li class="report-button login-required"><a rel="nofollow" class="reportbtn access-required" data-event-action="report">report</a></li></ul><div class="reportform report-t1_ghisqni"></div></div><div class="child"><div class="sitetable listing" id="siteTable_t1_ghisqni"><div class=" thing id-t1_ghj2l3s noncollapsed comment " data-permalink="/r/ireland/comments/khgwb3/so_how_are_you_all_pronouncing_the_letter_h/ghj2l3s/" data-type="comment" data-subreddit-type="public" data-subreddit-fullname="t5_2qhb9" data-gildings="0" data-subreddit-prefixed="r/ireland" data-fullname="t1_ghj2l3s" data-author="cogra23" data-replies="0" data-subreddit="ireland" data-author-fullname="t2_dkx1b" id="thing_t1_ghj2l3s"><p class="parent"><a rel="nofollow" name="ghj2l3s"></a></p><div class="midcol unvoted"><div class="arrow up login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="upvote" data-event-action="upvote"></div><div class="arrow down login-required archived access-required" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="downvote" data-event-action="downvote"></div></div><div class="entry unvoted"><p class="tagline"><a rel="nofollow" class="expand">[–]</a><a rel="nofollow" class="author may-blank id-t2_dkx1b" href="">cogra23</a><span class="userattrs"></span> <span title="0" class="score dislikes">0 points</span><span title="1" class="score unvoted">1 point</span><span title="2" class="score likes">2 points</span> <time class="" title="Wed Dec 30 19:46:49 2020 UTC" datetime="2020-12-30T19:46:49+00:00">3 years ago</time>&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" class="numchildren">(0 children)</a></p>&lt;form class="usertext warn-on-unload" onsubmit="return post_form(this, 'editusertext')" action="#" id="form-t1_ghj2l3szar"><input value="t1_ghj2l3s" type="hidden" name="thing_id"><div class="usertext-body may-blank-within md-container "><div class="md"><p>It might be confirmation bias but I only know one Protestant who says haich and it turns out his ma is Catholic.</p></div></div>&lt;/form></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
mikeem em
    • To prevent yourself from this class of attacks I recommend:

      • Create a separate service on Cloud Run whose only job is to shell out to the untrusted executable (as you've mentioned).
      • Run this service with a Service Account (--service-account) that has no permissions to do anything in your object. This way, the attacker can exfiltrate a token that cannot do much (however, may learn your GCP project ID or email address of this service account).
      • (This is not possible on Cloud Run yet as far as I know–) Run the container’s filesystem in a readonly mode to prevent the attacker from changing the executables or libraries on the container which can be influence subsequent requests handled by the container.
      • (In lack of a read-only container filesystem today–) if the untrusted binary you’re executing is/can be "statically compiled", on every request, consider creating a new temporary directory that contains the binary. Then, chroot there and execute the binary in this directory (so that its side effects will not influence rest of the container), and cleanup this directory before the request finishes.
mikeem em
  • 1. Use temperature 0. Anything over that is asking for randomness, which not useful unless you actually want it to say something random rather than following instructions.

    2. Use the best/largest model possible. Small models are generally stupid. phi-3 might work as an exception of a very well trained tiny model. Very large models are generally dramatically smarter and better at following directions.

    3. Tell it to output JSON and give it examples of acceptable outputs.

    4. The API for OpenAI and Anthropic is very very similar to ollama. The models are vastly better than llama3 7b. You can basically make some minor modifications and if you have the temp right I bet it will work.

    Personally I think that langchain will just make it more complicated and has nothing to do with your problem, which is probably that you used a tiny rather dumb model with a higher than optimal temperature and didn't specify enough in your prompt. The biggest thing is the size and ability of the model. Most models that will run on your computer are MUCH MUCH stupider than ChatGPT (even 3.5).

  • Temperature 0 will not prevent randomness, only reduced it. I addition, there may be times when temperature > 0 is essential for reproducing the text accurately. Consider a model with a knowledge cutoff 3--6 months out of date and trying to write e.g. a model name which did not exist when the model was trained. In that case temperature 0 will make it more likely to fix your code by replacing the model name it's never heard of with one more likely according to the model training data.

    In other words, if the text you want was not in the model training data, a higher than normal temperature may be required, depending on how frequently the term appears in the input data. If you provide a few samples in the input, then you may be able to use 0 again.

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mikeem em

Smotrich says Ben Gvir and police 'have completely failed' to curb crime among Arabs | The Times of Israel

Interesting look at the Israeil mindset from security point of view. Settlements make sense in absense of any trust but also aggrevate the issue. Hard problem.

Shared by mikeem em, 1 save total

  • “The Iranian regime has an orderly plan for the conventional destruction of the State of Israel,” he said, asserting that a Palestinian state in the West Bank would “multiply Gaza 20 times and place it in an area that topographically and geographically dominates the entire State of Israel.
  • “And unfortunately and absurdly, even today, after October 7 and after the Iranian plan is known, there are those who strive for this collective suicide with all their might,” he continued, complaining about left-wing and media criticism of the cabinet’s decision to take steps against Ramallah.

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mikeem em
  • he digital vagabonds posting those videos aren't showing you the full story.
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