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Mathieu Plourde

Parents sue Mass. school for punishing son after he used AI for paper

""In my lay opinion, they violated his civil rights," Dale said. "They treated him and punished him more severely than other students."

"He got a perfect score on the ACTs and he’s looking to go to Stanford or MIT or some of the top schools," Jennifer added. "He's missed the opportunity already for rolling admissions.""

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Mathieu Plourde

Pour une intelligence artificielle adaptée à l'enseignement

"Le rôle de l'IA est actuellement limité aux connaissances, à la mémoire déclarative. «Elle a la connaissance, mais il lui manque actuellement la compétence pour la transmettre adéquatement», ajoute la professeure Tato."

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Mathieu Plourde

AI Forum | AI@ND | University of Notre Dame

"This intimate gathering of higher education IT leaders will focus on how IT organizations ought to approach the opportunities and challenges posed by AI, grounded in an understanding of how the technology affects teaching and learning, research, and administration on college campuses. Through presentations, discussions, and facilitated conversations, attendees will strategize together and leave with concrete action items to implement secure, ethical, and equitable AI initiatives at their own institutions."

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Mathieu Plourde

[2409.09047v1] AI Meets the Classroom: When Does ChatGPT Harm Learning?

"In this paper, we study how generative AI and specifically large language models (LLMs) impact learning in coding classes. We show across three studies that LLM usage can have positive and negative effects on learning outcomes. Using observational data from university-level programming courses, we establish such effects in the field. We replicate these findings in subsequent experimental studies, which closely resemble typical learning scenarios, to show causality. We find evidence for two contrasting mechanisms that determine the overall effect of LLM usage on learning. Students who use LLMs as personal tutors by conversing about the topic and asking for explanations benefit from usage. However, learning is impaired for students who excessively rely on LLMs to solve practice exercises for them and thus do not invest sufficient own mental effort. Those who never used LLMs before are particularly prone to such adverse behavior. Students without prior domain knowledge gain more from having access to LLMs. Finally, we show that the self-perceived benefits of using LLMs for learning exceed the actual benefits, potentially resulting in an overestimation of one's own abilities. Overall, our findings show promising potential of LLMs as learning support, however also that students have to be very cautious of possible pitfalls."

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Mathieu Plourde

[2402.09809] Effective and Scalable Math Support: Evidence on the Impact of an AI- Tutor on Math Achievement in Ghana

"This study evaluates the impact of Rori, an AI powered conversational math tutor accessible via WhatsApp, on the math performance of approximately 1,000 students in grades 3-9 across 11 schools in Ghana. Each school was assigned to a treatment group or control group; the students in the control group continued their regular math instruction, while students in the treatment group engaged with Rori, for two 30-minute sessions per week over 8 months in addition to regular math instruction. We find that the math growth scores were substantially higher for the treatment group with an effect size of 0.37, and that the results were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The fact that Rori works with basic mobile devices on low-bandwidth data networks gives the intervention strong potential to support personalized learning on other low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs), where laptop ownership and high-speed internet - prerequisite for many video-centered learning platforms - remain extremely limited. While the results should be interpreted judiciously, as they only report on year 1 of the intervention, and future research is necessary to better understand which conditions are necessary for successful implementation, they do suggest that chat-based tutoring solutions leveraging artificial intelligence could offer a costeffective approach to enhancing learning outcomes for millions of students globally."

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Mathieu Plourde

Compétence numérique

"Une plateforme intelligente destinée à toute personne intéressée à développer sa compétence numérique. Il s’agit de la ressource idéale pour développer votre compétence numérique!"

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Mathieu Plourde

Generative AI Can Harm Learning by Hamsa Bastani, Osbert Bastani, Alp Sungu, Haosen Ge, Özge Kabakcı, Rei Mariman :: SSRN

"Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize how humans work, and has already demonstrated promise in significantly improving human productivity. However, a key remaining question is how generative AI affects learning, namely, how humans acquire new skills as they perform tasks. This kind of skill learning is critical to long-term productivity gains, especially in domains where generative AI is fallible and human experts must check its outputs. We study the impact of generative AI, specifically OpenAI's GPT-4, on human learning in the context of math classes at a high school. In a field experiment involving nearly a thousand students, we have deployed and evaluated two GPT based tutors, one that mimics a standard ChatGPT interface (called GPT Base) and one with prompts designed to safeguard learning (called GPT Tutor). These tutors comprise about 15% of the curriculum in each of three grades. Consistent with prior work, our results show that access to GPT-4 significantly improves performance (48% improvement for GPT Base and 127% for GPT Tutor). However, we additionally find that when access is subsequently taken away, students actually perform worse than those who never had access (17% reduction for GPT Base). That is, access to GPT-4 can harm educational outcomes. These negative learning effects are largely mitigated by the safeguards included in GPT Tutor. Our results suggest that students attempt to use GPT-4 as a "crutch" during practice problem sessions, and when successful, perform worse on their own. Thus, to maintain long-term productivity, we must be cautious when deploying generative AI to ensure humans continue to learn critical skills."

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Mathieu Plourde

Pourquoi le corps enseignant devrait éviter d’utiliser des outils d’IA pour l’évaluation de l’apprentissage - Collimateur - Veille pédagonumérique - UQAM

"Bien que, dans un avenir proche, les outils d’IA puissent réellement contribuer à l’évaluation des apprentissages des étudiants, nous n’en sommes pas encore là.

Selon Dre Sarah Elaine Eaton, professeure titulaire à la Werklund School of Education de l’Université de Calgary, plusieurs raisons justifient de ne pas les utiliser pour le moment.

Nous les avons traduit et adapté en français dans une infographie pédagonumérique, inspirée de son billet original Ethical Reasons to Avoid Using AI Apps for Student Assessment."

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Mathieu Plourde

Half of Gen Zs would consider quitting if not given genAI training: report

"One in two Gen Z employees would consider looking for a new job if their company does not offer training on generative AI, according to a new report from Amdocs.

The poll, which surveyed 500 employees, revealed that Gen Z employees believe that a lack of Gen AI use and training could significantly impact their careers.

More than four in ten Gen Z respondents said the lack of Gen AI use and training would make them fall behind industry standards (45%) and limit their skill sets to legacy tech (40%)."

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Mathieu Plourde

GenIA Littératie - Apprivoisons le chat Geppetto

"Conférence virtuelle de Camille Besse, expert en intelligence artificielle à l'Institut intelligence et données (IID) de l'Université Laval.
La conférence aborde les éléments suivants :
Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence artificielle?
ChatGPT, la boîte noire...
Qu'est-ce que ChatGPT fait (ou pas)
Regard sur l'IA générative de façon plus large"

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