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Martin M

Data for Equity Strategy – City of Toronto

The City of Toronto’s Data for Equity Strategy aims to support City divisions in collecting socio-demographic data to analyze, use and apply disaggregated data to inform equitable program planning and service delivery. Approved by City Council in November 2020, the Data for Equity Strategy is the first of its kind at the municipal level in the world.

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Martin M

Tool - Digitale Dörfer Daten

Die Entwicklungsagentur Rheinland-Pfalz und das Fraunhofer IESE stellen sich in „Digitale Dörfer Daten“ der Herausforderung, das kommunalpolitische Engagement in ländlichen Regionen attraktiver zu gestalten. Bürgermeisterinnen und Bürgermeister stehen häufig vor komplexen Entscheidungen. Die bereitgestellten statistischen Daten sollen ihnen eine fundierte Grundlage für ihre politische Arbeit liefern. Der Austausch mit anderen Kommunalpolitikerinnen und -politikern wird durch die Web-Anwendung gefördert.

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Martin M

Atlas Zensus 2022

Der Zensus 2022 ist eine Bevölkerungs-, Gebäude- und Wohnungszählung.

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Martin M

AI took their jobs. Now they get paid to make it sound human

If you're worried about how AI will affect your job, the world of copywriters may offer a glimpse of the future.

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Martin M

Open data ownership and sharing: Challenges and opportunities for application of FAIR principles and a checklist for data managers

The amount of data generated across various disciplines has been steadily increasing and is projected to experience exponential growth in the foreseeable future. This underscores the pressing need for proficient and streamlined data management. Data has proven to be a crucial tool in addressing complex societal challenges on a global scale. However, the challenge of producing and openly disseminating data that are easily discoverable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) has emerged as a significant concern for policymakers. The potential for data to be repurposed for advancing scientific research and innovation across different disciplines is contingent on its willingness to be shared. This paper employs a systematic literature review to investigate the motivating factors, advantages, and obstacles associated with open data sharing. Additionally, it explores governance frameworks that can create unique opportunities for implementing FAIR principles in real-time scientific research.

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