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Bo Adams
  • For years, the scientific community dismissed her work on the communicative capacities and intelligence of forest systems, but once we started manufacturing analogous models in the computer lab, it's like our perceptual awareness (when turned outward) changed dramatically, as if the act of making adjusted or expanded the mental models through which we perceive and make sense of the world.
  • “Just as the advent of networking technologies from the 1960s onwards allowed us to perceive life in new ways, and to open ourselves to new relationships and new modes of being," writes Bridle, "perhaps the advent of intelligent technologies will allow us to perceive the rest of the thinking, acting, and being world in ways that are more interesting, more just, and more broadly mutually beneficial" (83).

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Brian C. Smith
  • over 90 percent reported that they believed their digital technology was negatively impacting their everyday lives. However, when we matched these reports with school administrative records, clinical assessments, and reported mental health symptoms, we did not find evidence of impairment.
  • when researchers frame social media as addictive (versus neutral), they are more likely to find negative associations.

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Brian C. Smith
  • For Stager, the notion of tech-bans or bans on devices in schools is a farce. For him, the notion that the teacher should be the centre of attention at all times, or that an arbitrary assessment or curriculum agency is more important than the personal development of a child, is problematic
  • “If your stance is that kids have to pay attention to an adult, whose expertise may or may not be questionable, for inordinate periods of time in order to perform on an arbitrary examination, or write a paper on a topic no one could possibly care about, then you are not preparing anyone for any kind of meaningful future,”

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