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Will Richardson
  • Nature isn’t something we go visit, and it’s not something we can leave behind, either. It is us, we are it. We are primates. We have a relationship of reciprocity and care and dependence. We always have the option to feel into our gratitude more deeply. Children have an innate biophilia, or resonance with nature, that can help guide them.

    Instead of hoping to live with no impact on nature at all, an impossible hope, can we replace that with concern about being awake to our whole impact, and making a positive contribution as well?

Will Richardson
  • Between 25% and 54% of students say they are not having eight engaging experiences in school, such as feeling that what they are learning is important or interesting. Less than half of students say their schoolwork positively challenges them (49%) or aligns with what they do best (46%).
  • The extent to which Gen Z K-12 students feel hopeful about and prepared for their future is linked to how engaged they feel in the classroom. Unfortunately, fewer than two in 10 students strongly agree that what they are learning in class feels important, interesting, challenging or aligned with their natural talents. This disconnect is especially high among students who do not want to attend college, and previous Gallup research finds that engagement declines as students advance along their K-12 journeys.
Will Richardson
  • Insurers say the growing frequency and severity of hurricanes, wildfires, floods and big windstorms have made it impossible for them not to raise premiums. In recent years, their property insurance businesses have booked losses instead of profits.
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