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Michel Bauwens

Second Renaissance wiki - Second Renaissance

"A wiki allows everyone to contribute to a knowledge commons — our digital shared garden. This wiki is not as encyclopedic as Wikipedia, though it may look similar because it uses the same software. We aim to provide useful, engaging and stimulating reference material for the concept of the Second Renaissance ("2R"), a broad movement of cultural evolution arising in response to civilizational crisis and awakening in this time between worlds. Most pages, then, are not expected to be comprehensive, but instead to focus on the useful aspects of topics in the context of "2R". To grow this useful resource, we also vitally aim to stimulate contributions through, first, encouraging different perspectives to be documented, and second, working as much as possible with shared, live questions, rather than giving simplistic answers."

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Michel Bauwens

Remains of the Day

about the supposed decline of Twitter

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Michel Bauwens

(1) The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine

"The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine
Did Texas Children’s Hospital commit fraud to pay for child sex-change procedures?"

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Michel Bauwens

In Search of the 5th Attractor. A Complex Systems View of Change for… | by Jim Rutt | Medium

"“History is just one damn thing after another.” (Oh, yeah, it was Arnold Toynbee"

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Michel Bauwens

Spatializing 6,000 years of global urbanization from 3700 BC to AD 2000 | Scientific Data

"How were cities distributed globally in the past? How many people lived in these cities? How did cities influence their local and regional environments? In order to understand the current era of urbanization, we must understand long-term historical urbanization trends and patterns. However, to date there is no comprehensive record of spatially explicit, historic, city-level population data at the global scale. Here, we developed the first spatially explicit dataset of urban settlements from 3700 BC to AD 2000, by digitizing, transcribing, and geocoding historical, archaeological, and census-based urban population data previously published in tabular form by Chandler and Modelski. The dataset creation process also required data cleaning and harmonization procedures to make the data internally consistent. Additionally, we created a reliability ranking for each geocoded location to assess the geographic uncertainty of each data point. The dataset provides the first spatially explicit archive of the location and size of urban populations over the last 6,000 years and can contribute to an improved understanding of contemporary and historical urbanization trends."

Shared by Michel Bauwens, 9 saves total

Michel Bauwens

SNP finally sees sense on trans issues - UnHerd

"It seems that the Scottish government was aware that an affirmative approach to gender identity could be classed as an attempt to change sexual orientation in some contexts. For example, vulnerable children struggling with both sexual orientation and gender identity may have internalised homophobia and therefore would prefer to be a straight boy rather than a lesbian girl. This has led to some staff in gender clinics commenting that at times gender identity affirmation “feels like conversion therapy for gay children”.

The SNP proposal had an explicit exemption to permit attempts to change sexual orientation in a gender clinic while making it a criminal offence to attempt to change actual or perceived gender identity. This was likely to create a chilling effect that would have made a cautious approach to dealing with gender distress more difficult,"

Shared by Michel Bauwens, 1 save total

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