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Michel Bauwens

Why Starmer will be dragged to the Left - UnHerd

"The underlying ideological dividing lines in 1997 also seem eerily familiar now. According to New Labour there was to be no longer a debate about high spending and low spending, but between “productive spending and unproductive spending”. We were told to forget about “high versus low taxation” — all that mattered was “fair versus unfair taxation”."

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Michel Bauwens

Labour has broken Gen Z's heart - UnHerd

"Many Gen Zs feel they cannot take the risk of engaging with a moderate reality rather than an ideologically pure fantasy, preferring to cling on to the what-could-have-been of Momentum, which spoiled before making a single difference. It may be the result of a fear of cancellation, of looking lame or fascist, but this ironically drives its proponents into a savage and inflexible political morality which is entirely intolerant of diverse views and the wisdom of realpolitik."

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Michel Bauwens

Is this the end of Infowars? - UnHerd

"The Deep State’s conviction of Trump has cleared the path to go after the real target: Alex Jones — or so he claims.

“The button’s been pushed after Trump was convicted last Thursday. It started the next day,” Jones said, referring to a request from the families of Sandy Hook victims to liquidate his media company as part of a proposed bankruptcy settlement. Even the two-week delay on liquidating Jones’ business was the result of an hours-long meltdown he had over livestream last weekend, in which he cried and said “There’s really no avenue out of this.”"

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Mathieu Plourde

Former à l'éthique de l'IA en enseignement supérieur: trousse pédagogique

"Cette trousse pédagogique est complémentaire au référentiel de compétence intitulé "Former à l’éthique de l’IA en enseignement supérieur : référentiel de compétence" que nous avons produit grâce au Pôle montréalais d’enseignement supérieur en intelligence artificielle (PIA). Nous proposons dans cette trousse pédagogique des moyens concrets pour réaliser des activités de formation qui permettront de développer les différents aspects de la compétence en éthique de l’IA. Pour chaque activité, vous retrouverez une courte explication du lien entre l’activité proposée et ces éléments provenant du référentiel de compétence. Cette trousse pédagogique doit être envisagée comme un document de travail à partir duquel la créativité des personnes enseignantes qui l’utiliseront pourra être mise à profit."

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Mathieu Plourde

OpenAI for Education

"An affordable offering for universities to responsibly bring AI to campus."

Shared by Mathieu Plourde, 8 saves total

Michel Bauwens

The Korean Wave in a Post-Pandemic World: BTS, Cosmax and Squid Game | SpringerLink

"This book presents an analysis of how the economic Korean Miracle spread into the cultural “Korean Wave” (Hallyu). "

Shared by Michel Bauwens, 1 save total

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