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Graham Perrin
  • generates TOTP tokens for multi-factor authentication
  • Updated
    26 January 2015
Graham Perrin
  • xzcat FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdj bs=1M
Graham Perrin
  • xzcat ./FreeBSD-14.0-STABLE-amd64-20240404-72c3d91294c4-267114-memstick.img.xz | dd of=/dev/da2 bs=1m status=progress
Graham Perrin
  • Core Secretary
  • core agenda

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Graham Perrin

FreeBSD Project Administration and Management | The FreeBSD Project

Shared by Graham Perrin, Graham Perrin added annotation, 1 save total

  • FreeBSD Core Team
  • Core Team Secretary

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Graham Perrin

dev-model: Update core secretary · freebsd/freebsd-doc@9ebd37c

Shared by Graham Perrin, 1 save total

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